Privileges for a CFI - Instrument Airplane

Privileges for a CFI - Instrument Airplane

Postby hkraemer » Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:07 pm

This is from John Lynch's Q&A

QUESTION: What are the privileges held by a CFI - Instrument Airplane “only” (no single or multiengine rating) on his CFI with respect to instructing instrument procedures in a multi-engine airplane. He has multi-engine rating on his commercial certificate. Can he, while instructing instruments, simulate engine failure? Can he demonstrate VMC? Can he simulate engine failure during takeoff prior to 50% of VMC? Etc.

ANSWER: Ref. § 61.193(f) and § 61.195(f); Per § 61.193(f), a person who only holds a Flight Instructor-Instrument Airplane (CFII) rating is authorized within the limitations of that person's flight instructor certificate and ratings to give training and endorsements that are required for, and relate to an Instrument-Airplane rating. And per § 61.195(f), in pertinent part, states a flight instructor may not give training required for the issuance of a certificate or rating in a multiengine airplane unless that flight instructor has at least 5 flight hours of pilot-in-command time in the specific make and model of multiengine airplane. These sections 61.193(f) and 61.195(f) are the only regulatory requirements that even remotely addresses your question.

Since training on the Vmc maneuver and procedure is not a task associated with the Instrument-Airplane rating, a person who only holds a Flight Instructor-Instrument Airplane (CFII) rating may NOT give the training required for that maneuver and procedure.

Since the training on the simulating engine failure during takeoff prior to 50% of Vmc is not a task associated with the Instrument-Airplane rating, a person who only holds a Flight Instructor-Instrument Airplane (CFII) rating may NOT give the training required for that maneuver and procedure.

However, there is no regulatory requirement in Part 61, other than § 61.193(f) and § 61.195(f) that apply. There is nothing that legally prohibits a person who only holds a Flight Instructor-Instrument Airplane (CFII) rating and has at least 5 flight hours of pilot-in-command time in the specific make and model of multiengine airplane per § 61.195(f) from giving the training required for the maneuver and procedure on “One engine inoperative during straight-and-level flight and turns (multiengine)” because the maneuver and procedure on “One engine inoperative during straight-and-level flight and turns (multiengine)” is a task associated with the Instrument-Airplane rating.

Likewise, there is no regulatory requirement in Part 61, other than § 61.193(f) and § 61.195(f), that legally prohibits a person who only holds a Flight Instructor-Instrument Airplane (CFII) rating from giving the training required for the maneuver and procedure on “One engine inoperative—instrument approach (multiengine)” because the maneuver and procedure on “One engine inoperative—instrument approach (multiengine)” is a task associated with the Instrument-Airplane rating.
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